Reflection on a First Game Jam
This is my first jam as a participant and an organizer. I had heard that people go to jams to learn new skills – and that people end up discovering skills they did not know they have. While I understood this intellectually, it was still surprising to find this out in practice.
I don’t think of myself as a person who is good at drawing. However, I ended up being responsible for the graphics in the game Yhdys sana peli we are creating. Now I have spent two days drawing all kinds of things – and I have to say that some of those pictures are pretty decent. Some of them I would even say are “good”.
Partially this is due to the style that I chose (a combination of clip art and the scribbles one makes for Pictionary), and partially it is because of the equipment. I’ve been drawing on a Lenovo Android tablet, with a program called Tayasui Sketches, and I’m loving it. They are making me look good.